IP Strategy, Counseling, and Protection

Securing and protecting intellectual property assets is critically important for all companies. Capes Sokol has a wealth of experience in safeguarding your most valuable assets-copyrights, trade secrets, trademarks, and other intangible assets. We work with a wide range of clients, including commercial real estate companies, financial institutions, apparel manufacturers, retailers, publishers, and members of the entertainment industry. We help businesses monetize and negotiate licenses for their IP, while also ensuring that their trademarks are properly protected. We work tirelessly to protect their assets from infringement and misuse. By conducting regular reviews for potential copyright, privacy, or libel issues in website and social media posts, we help our clients stay ahead of potential disputes and protect their intellectual property. We also negotiate licenses, all with the aim of helping our clients protect and monetize their intangible assets.

Key Contacts

Michael A. Kahn

Senior Counsel

Services We Provide

  • Defamation Clearance

  • Fair Use Analysis & Opinions

  • Guidance on the Digital Millennium Copyright Act

  • Intellectual Property Counseling

  • Pre-Publication Review

  • Takedown Demands

  • IP Strategy, Counseling, and Protection Team

    Michael A. Kahn

    Senior Counsel

    P: 314.505.5406
    E: kahn@capessokol.com

    P: 314.754.4872
    E: lambert@capessokol.com

    P: 314.505.5452
    E: salsich@capessokol.com

    P:  314.754.4840
    E: durban@capessokol.com

    Let's Work Together