Summer Associates

Gain a new perspective with practical experience.
Capes Sokol’s Summer Associate Program provides second-year law students with challenging assignments which require them to work together with shareholders and associates in the real work of the firm. Summer Associates learn to address the practical problems our clients face under the guidance of our experienced attorneys.
The program is structured such that Summer Associates are exposed to as many of the firm’s practice areas as possible. Our goal is that each Summer Associate learns something on the range of subjects covered and the activities required in the firm’s various practice areas, and becomes familiar with all of our lawyers and the skills they utilize to accomplish our clients’ goals.
Program Information
Summer Associates may be tasked with conducting legal research, ranging from a quick verification or citation for known rules and principles, to an in-depth response to complicated legal questions memorialized in a formal memorandum. They may have tasks related to discovery or document review and may be included in a team assembled to write a brief or gather information in support of complicated motions and memoranda.
In addition, the program has an experiential component in which we acquaint Summer Associates to aspects of the legal practice which are rarely touched upon in the academic setting of law school. This often includes accompanying our attorneys to court appearances, depositions, mediations, trials, real estate closings, client meetings, and strategy discussions and negotiations with opposing counsel.
We also add a social aspect to the program so that our Summer Associates have the opportunity to get to know firm personnel and learn their different perspectives on both the practice of law and firm culture. Likewise, members of the firm have the opportunity, outside the office setting, to become better acquainted with the Summer Associates on a personal level. Our Summer Associates regularly attend scheduled lunches, happy hours, and networking and other social and community events with our attorneys.
In addition to development of legal skills, involvement in the daily fabric of legal practice, and exposure to a wide variety of practice areas, our Summer Associates are afforded the opportunity to participate in luncheon meetings with our Shareholders who share their views on topics such as business development, managing client expectations, and law firm administration.
Our Summer Associate Program is managed by a shareholder and an associate and receives unqualified support from everyone in the firm. Capes Sokol commits significant resources and effort to conduct a high-quality Summer Associate Program that is both enriching for participants and beneficial to the firm as a whole.
We typically interview applicants in late summer and early fall to fill two positions for the Summer Associate Program. On-campus interviews will be conducted at the University of Missouri School of Law-Columbia, St. Louis University School of Law, and Washington University School of Law. If any second-year law student is unable to interview through on-campus interviews or attends another law school, please submit your resume, transcript, writing sample, and cover letter to our Human Resources & Benefits Manager.