Risk Mitigation

At Capes Sokol we understand the dynamic challenges retailers face, and our dedicated team specializes in crafting tailored risk mitigation strategies for the retail sector.

Our approach involves a meticulous assessment of potential risks, from contractual and regulatory issues to market fluctuations and operational challenges. We work collaboratively with retailers to implement preventive measures, create contingency plans, and ensure compliance with industry-specific regulations. By prioritizing transparency, proactive risk management, and strategic legal counsel, we empower retailers to navigate uncertainties with confidence, safeguard their business interests, and capitalize on opportunities for sustainable growth.

Services We Provide

  • Drafting/Negotiating Procurement Contracts

  • Legal Counsel

  • Risk Management

  • Team

    Brian J. Sabin


    P: 314.505.5426
    E: sabin@capessokol.com

    P: 314.754.4872
    E: lambert@capessokol.com

    Let's Work Together