Firm Insights

Important Considerations for Short-Term Property Rental Hosts in Missouri

By Brian J. Sabin / June 24, 2016 / Comments Off on Important Considerations for Short-Term Property Rental Hosts in Missouri

The “sharing economy” (also known as the “peer economy” or “gig economy”) in which individuals earn money from allowing strangers to use their underused assets, has received much attention in recent years.  Uber is a well-known example of a sharing economy company, which allows travelers to use a smartphone app to locate drivers, who use…

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Out with the Old…in with the NEW Missouri eFiling System

By Litigation / June 16, 2016 / Comments Off on Out with the Old…in with the NEW Missouri eFiling System

Progress is painful, or so it has been said. But, sometimes, it need not be as painful as we make it. It seems to me that often the “pain” related to progress results from recalcitrant, “old school” thinking or methods sneaking into or clashing with the new systems or processes. The Missouri eFiling System has…

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HUSH! Can You Keep a “Trade” Secret?

By Michael A. Kahn / May 12, 2016 / Comments Off on HUSH! Can You Keep a “Trade” Secret?

Let’s play a word association game. I say “Intellectual property.” Your three most likely responses are: “patent,” “copyright,” and “trademark.” The federal government agrees. It has enacted statutes and created government agencies to guard and enforce your rights in those special forms of property. Indeed, the protection for patents and copyrights dates back to the…

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