Intellectual Property

Recognize and protect your most valuable assets.

The lawyers who best understand the value of your intellectual property—whether on the factory floor or in the sound studio—are the lawyers best equipped to represent your interests in the courtroom and at the bargaining table. We are committed to being those lawyers.

That commitment is especially important in the 21st Century. Once upon a time, only a newspaper or a broadcaster needed to be concerned over defamation, invasion of privacy, and rights of publicity. Now every company with a website or a Facebook or Twitter page—and, thus, virtually every company—is a publisher and an advertiser, as is every person with a blog or social media profile. Once upon a time, copyrights were the principal domain of the entertainment industry. Now retailers, banks, and manufacturers have discovered that they, too, own valuable copyrights—indeed, some of our biggest copyright cases have involved disputes within traditional industries that are now hotbeds of copyright litigation. And then there is the field of trademarks. These key company assets—those instantly recognizable symbols of you and your brand that can be worth more than your company’s physical assets—are now even more important and more vulnerable in the Internet Age.

You need the Capes Sokol Intellectual Property practice on your side.